Better than average for this sort of thing, and massive points for not whitewashing the cover. The heroine is unusual for steampunk, in that she's not some worthless upperclass twit -- mad scientist father optional, but likely -- but a trained magic worker in the healing arts. The world is mixed steampunk and gaslamp fantasy, and even though it's on Steampunk Planet and not a true alt history, I got the impression of a sort of alt Crimean War thing going on. The war is has murky beginnings and no clear "good guys", and Octavia could read as a Florence Nightingale type. (Although, honestly, I think I'm reading the antagonist nation -- the Wasters -- as having more of a claim than is intended, which puts me in an odd position as a reader. Octavia seems to think they have no claim to independence, while I think they obviously do, especially given how shitty the government of her country is.) The middle goes a little slack, and Octavia frets and moons more than I'd prefer, but all in all an enjoyable read.